Femme Physique

Business name: Femme Physique
Business type: Transforming women through fitnesss and food
Business location: Botany
Website: www.femmephysique.com.au
Phone: (02) 9211 5000

Client Testimonial

"Michael and his team are extremely passionate about their work for small business and always put in 100%. The work they produce is second to none and we are so happy we came to Little Marketing."
Peter Manesis - Director, Femme Physique

Strategic Objective

To find a point of difference for Peter's brand which will allow him to communicate his business and brand a little easier and stand out from the competition.

What did we do?

Little Marketing ran a half day marketing strategy session to create a brand positioning. The purpose of this was to clearly define their business, provide a uniqueness, as well as an easy way to communicate their brand to enter the consumer's mind first. During the session, a number of topics were raised including competition, core services, business culture and income streams.

During the half day consultation, Little Marketing recommended that a name change and new brand focus would be the most effective way to differentiate Peter's brand and stand out from competition. Addtionally, with the new focus, it would allow Peter to communicate his brand easier to current and potential clientele to enter the consumer mind first.


As a result of the half day session with Little Marketing, "Peter Manesis Life Coach" has been rebranded to Femme Physique. His new brand focus is based on transforming women through fitness and food and has enabled to Peter communicate what he does much easier with less competition and with a more marketable business.

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