Flowers by Zoe

Business name: Flowers by Zoe
Business type: Wedding florist
Business location: Kensington
Phone: (02) 9663 1172

Strategic Objective

Zoe wanted to reach a wider audience for Flowers by Zoe with a clearer focus in what she was communicating to her clients. She also wanted help with discovering fresh new ways of communicating to prospective clients.

What did we do?

Little Marketing held a strategy session with Zoe to learn as much as we can about her business. By working with Zoe as a team we were able to advise her in what avenues best suit her type of business and we also helped her reach a specific target market by introducing into her business a great focus.


As a result of our strategy session and ongoing consultation Little Marketing positioned Flowers by Zoe as your own personal wedding flower specialist. With a clearer positioning client's are able to have a better understanding of what Zoe's services are.

Our work with Flowers by Zoe has allowed us to target their website to a relevant audience and provide a more effective approach for their website traffic. The new positioning of their brand has made the Search Engine Optimisation process much more targeted and effective. After working with Flowers by Zoe for 3 months, we were able to generate a 461% increase in traffic to their website. This targeted approach continues a year on with significant web traffic and relevant sales leads.


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