Small business marketing NO NO

Listen up small business, take a lesson from NRMA and don't follow them! What does the NRMA brand stand for? NRMA Roadside Assistance, NRMA Car Insurance, NRMA Home and Contents Insurance? What about NRMA Safe Driver School, NRMA Cruises, NRMA Batteries, NRMA Glass, NRMA Motor Service, NRMA Businesswise (whatever that means), NRMA Holiday Insurance, NRMA Car Loans, NRMA Motoring Advice, NRMA Fleet Management, NRMA Holidays. Shall I keep going? It could take hours.

NRMA is well known for Car Insurance and Roadside Assistance. At what point will they stop? Sure, they'll just keep throwing money at each of these  services and brand line-extensions, but at what price? One brand to have one meaning. End of story. Consumers are lucky to remember 2 or 3 brands because they have a clear meaning. It seems NRMA is a travel agent who will insure your car, home and office, come out to you if your car breaks down and escort you on your cruise holiday whilst teaching you to drive.

As your small business marketing consultant, here's some advice. Get your small business brand focussed on what it does and stay true to it. If you feel the need to do more, create a different brand with a new name, and let that take on the new venture. I have a headache.


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