Small business marketing consultants in Melbourne explain why people love the word FREE

If you think "free" is overused, our small business marketing consultants say to think again. The fact is that people love anything that’s free…plain and simple!

You can give practically anything away for free, no matter how small and you'll grab people's attention. Our small business marketing consultants in Melbourne explain that people love free stuff so much they’ll actually make different choices, even when the respective value of the item or service remains the same.

The word “free” draws a users eyes to where we want them to go on a specific page and entices them to move forward. Our small business marketing consultants explain that this is because our brains are hardwired to love the feeling of getting something for nothing.

As a small business owner you may be hesitant to give away something for nothing because it may affect your bottom line. However, our team of small business marketing consultants in Melbourne explain that advertising a popular freebie can certainly be a positive thing for your business. If executed correctly, a “Free Offer” promotion is certainly capable of producing a noticeable rise in sales.

For more strategic marketing tips, contact our team of small business marketing consultants in Melbourne today.


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