Watch & Learn – June 2023

We live in such an over communicated society, whether it be emails, social media, the news, text messages, billboards, radio. It's an overload of communication. How does marketing overcome this when it's part of the problem???

First, what is it that you're communicating that's different to the competition? How are you positioning your business and brand in the mind of your customers and clients where there's the least amount of competition?

That's great I hear you say, but what about the doing - the actual implementation of the activities. Overwhelming right? 

How can you create structure to get this stuff done? You guessed it. Create a MARKETING PLAN. What does it give you:

1. Consistency in the message of what you're communicating
2. Consistency in the frequency of what you're communicating

Without a plan, we don't get the consistency in the message of what we do and why we're different, and you lack consistency in the frequency of the activity.

Create some structure in your marketing with a MARKETING PLAN.

To speak with one of our senior small business marketing consultants today and get consistency in your marketing to give it the best chance of success, click here.

Watch the video here to learn how.


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