Marketing Trends for 2017, by the marketing consultancy Sydney


If we look back over the past few years, we can see how marketing has changed and adapted to new technologies, which leads to new and innovative marketing trends. The marketing consultancy will tell you their marketing trend predictions for 2017.

Our Marketing Trends for 2017 include:

Market to Consumer (In-Store) – With stats stating that over 80% of Millennials are using their mobile phones while shopping or at restaurants, we start to implement location based mobile alerts when people are at specific stores. This will include deals, menus, prices, items etc.
Analytical Data – Roughly 70% of companies are still not collecting data from social media channels. They say this gap will close with almost 50% of marketers pushing social media data as growth opportunities.
Cross Device Marketing – The average consumer is connected to the Internet by roughly 5 devices and as marketers we need to know how to interact on all platforms at all times.
Mobiles are a moving target – What we mean by this is that more and more people own smartphones, which results in having to know how to adapt to the changing formats. Soon enough we also know that these phones may become obsolete, so adapting to change is what will determine the survival of you business.

We hope that our marketing consultancy in Sydney has offered some insight to what the future of marketing will hold. Be sure to contact us and we’ll get you started on the latest trends in our industry.


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