How to avoid competition in your small business marketing in Australia
In this weeks' podcast episode, we talk through the importance of understanding your competition across 4 KEY FACTORS so that you can start to consider how you can position yourself differently to them, stand out and go past them! This is part of the process to help you to create your point of difference, your positioning and to drive your small business forward.
As Australia’s leading marketing consultancy for small business, Little Marketing, Michael Kava and his team are excited to produce these videos to provide smart and tangible marketing advice to help your small business to achieve great results. In providing practical marketing advice, marketing plans and consulting on these plans for small businesses since 2008, we’ve learnt so much about small business owners, their mindset, what works and what doesn’t. We know it’s more than just a business, it’s your livelihood. Based on that experience, our podcasts and videos are in line with the Little Marketing vision of helping small businesses achieve the best possible results for their organisations.