A marketing consultant can create a simple message that can have a huge impact

Little Marketing is a marketing consultancy for small business that provides a practical helping hand of advice and guidance via marketing services to assist small businesses grow in Sydney and across Australia.

As one of our core services is to assist you to find the best way to communicate your brand, I thought we should discuss probably the best marketing campaign of last year and give credit where credit is due.

‘Share a Coke’ campaign was a huge success and a great marketing activity. The reason for its success was because it had a clear and structured message and personalised the experience of drinking a coke. Everywhere you went Coke had a stand or stall where Cokes were being handed out and everyone wanted a can or bottle that had their name on it. The summer campaign was that powerful that if your name was not on a can or bottle, Coke would custom make one for you.

Coke transformed a simple drink into a personalised item consumers “needed to have”. From a Sydney marketing consultant perspective, this campaign was smart and strategic; they turned a product that has been around for years and differentiated it from it’s competition and helped the name Coke stay in consumers minds.

Remember, all a business needs is a brand that communicates a smart, yet simple message to have a powerful impact and draw in consumers.


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